Uhm Jung Hwa Looks Younger Than Her Historic Current Of 49?

Pann: She's actually 49?

1. [+111, -55] What's alongside the comments ㅋㅋ What form of an ajumma inwards her 50's looks similar that? Ajummas inwards their 50's expect similar hikers yous run across around. In existent life, she'll move considered mid/late-30's early on 40's.

2. [+79, -92] She looks similar her historic catamenia though.

3. [+71, -20] Honestly, she looks v years younger than her age.

4. [+34, -10] What mid-30's ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Do yous intend people inwards their mid-30's expect similar their historic catamenia these days? Nowadays, everybody looks young. Uhm Jung Hwa's human face upwards is honestly non young-looking. Of course, she's pretty, sexy, as well as skillful at acting as well as singing. I'd tell she looks v years younger. These days, non-celebs who accept attention of their looks also expect v years younger.

5. [+29, -0] First of all, she didn't give birth. Also, her chore is to accept attention of herself to earn money.

6. [+24, -0] The comments are divided because a 49-year-old at a pitiful neighbourhood looks actually old. They don't attention virtually their looks because they're busy trying to larn past times as well as it shows from their faces. Their hands are oil as well as if they larn their nails done, they halt upwards looking old-fashioned. Their eyebrow tattoo is also blueish... Some expect similar grandmas. But if yous become to a skillful neighbourhood, it's a unlike story. They expect younger than their ages as well as a lot of onetime people expect polished. There could move exceptions, of course of report ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+23, -1] She looks similar she's inwards her mid-40's. She could larn botox as well as all simply historic catamenia doesn't lie. Mid-30's? ㅋㅋ I operate alongside people who expect thirty 40. She definitely looks similar she's inwards late-40's who got a lot of operate done.

8. [+20, -0] She didn't give nascence though...

9. [+16, -0] She wasn't born alongside a young-looking face. The operate she got all shows on her face. Thanks to that, she looks similar she's inwards her 40's.

10. [+15, -0] Her human face upwards looks almost 50, non her torso though.

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