Recent Updates Of Choo Sarang's Height...

 It feels similar it was but yesterday when I saw her on TV eating grapes Recent updates of Choo Sarang's height...

-??? Is that a existent picture??

-She takes later her mother, that's likely why her legs are longㅎㅎ That's a existent picture, anyway..

-As expected from the ability of genes..

-Looks similar she's already taller than me..

-Sarang volition forever endure a babe for me..ㅠㅠ

-So you're proverb that is non an edited picture?????

-Sarang..ㅠㅠ  It feels similar it was but yesterday when I saw her on TV eating grapes..ㅠㅠ

-Hul.. Her height..

-Whoa.. How could her legs endure that long.. That's but unbelievable..ㅠㅠ

-Her upper trunk takes later her manly somebody nurture spell her lower trunk takes later her mother.. I'm together with thus jealous of herㅠㅠㅠ

-How erstwhile is Sarang now..? It feels similar it was but yesterday when she looked similar a babyㅠㅠ

-Is that fifty-fifty possible..??? Whoa..ㅠㅠ

-She has grown a lot taller than the final fourth dimension I saw her..ㅠㅠ

-Whoa.. She's tall..

-What?!?!??! I idea that was an edited picture..

-Whoa.. Her woman nurture is a model, that's what makes her unlike from us.. Just facial expression at the length of her legs..

-Sarang-ah.. What happened to the length of your legsㅠㅠ They facial expression longer than mine..ㅠㅠ

-Huk.. Her legs..ㅠㅠ She must've grown a lot taller..

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