Fan Plans To Laissez Passer Feminist Books For Seventeen's Misogyny

At a recent fanmeet, Seventeen called their fans 'baby' in addition to 'pretty'. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fan institute it misogynistic since it shows "male superiority". Also, the fan institute it problematic when Seventeen members exaggerated daughter grouping dances because it's "insulting". The fan is currently collecting other fans' coin on Twitter to laissez passer feminist books on upcoming Mingyu's birthday.

Pann: About the feminist Pb for Seventeen

1. [+135, -7] Twitter feminists require to die.

2. [+99, -3] Crazy, it's misogynistic to telephone band fans baby? So every manlike individual idol inwards the the world is misogynistic? ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+57, -0] It's non OK for the artists to telephone band their fans infant in addition to to verbalize to them informally, but it's OK for fans to gild the artists in addition to to verbalize to them informally?

4. [+32, -2] True feminists don't endeavor to prepare others, don't await downwards on ignorant people, in addition to don't consider themselves to hold upward superior. Feminists likewise take away keep to larn endlessly in addition to they take away keep to move along educating themselves. But people hither exclusively target man child groups in addition to nitpick every discussion in addition to motility to criticize them. You tin await to a greater extent than or less in addition to abide by misogyny in addition to discrimination from social perception, movies, novels, dramas, in addition to commercials. But some feminists don't get upward that at all in addition to chase afterward innocent manlike individual idols. Some people bring together them in addition to hence that they tin bash the groups they dislike in addition to yet they select to hold upward blind when it comes to their favorite artists in addition to other cases of misogyny in addition to discrimination. People tin brand mistakes in addition to hold upward ignorant. They're somewhat aware of it in addition to endeavor to attain themselves. It's the same amongst feminists. There's no i who understands feminism completely at once. When they witchhunt a manlike individual idol for his misogyny in addition to sexism, they're no dissimilar from the Korean men that they criticize. They require to brand arguments on the wrongdoing, ways to attain it, in addition to brand people aware of it. Instead, they insult the creative individual in addition to bash the fans for beingness "fangirls". They insult the artist's looks in addition to personality amongst alive tweets. If they laissez passer a proper feedback on the issue, the creative individual in addition to their fans would think, "Oh, this is right. This could hold upward seen misogynistic. We should larn from it in addition to attain it." But insulting dorsum brings to a greater extent than hatred. Insulting the people in addition to the populace for making mistakes in addition to beingness pitiable volition exclusively backfire in addition to it volition non attain the issues of misogyny in addition to hatred. People don't deserve to hold upward insulted but for non knowing nearly it. Foreign actors in addition to feminists never insult others, never set downwards others, in addition to never process others equally a trash. They exclusively endeavor to brand people aware in addition to consider themselves to hold upward leaders of the modify that are non superior than the others.

5. [+31, -1] If she really wanted to laissez passer presents for Mingyu's birthday, she would've done it quietly. I'm certain she has plenty coin to purchase a book. She said she doesn't tending if Seventeen gets backfired, she's definitely a faux fan or a smart anti. She said she likewise doesn't know nearly feminism in addition to that she's all the same learning nearly it, I don't sympathise why she's doing this when she's likewise clueless. She's acting similar a social judge warrior ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot of people are claiming that Seventeen is indeed at fault but I all the same take away keep no persuasion what they did incorrect in addition to how this is supposed to assist Seventeen.

6. [+24, -1] These days, misogyny in addition to lolita are large social issues in addition to becoming problematic. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot of people brand upward things from their ain standards. Now the standards are ambiguous.

7. [+22, -0] As shortly equally Seventeen members destination writing the lyrics, they become it checked past times a woman individual worker at their fellowship because they don't desire to become into a tilt on misogyny...

8. [+22, -1] Twitter feminists telephone band every discussion misogyny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So annoying ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm a daughter but Twitter feminists are disgusting ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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