[Enter-Talk] Manlike Someone In Addition To Woman Someone Idols Who Buy The Farm The Virtually Dissed

1. Nayeon

I'm a multifandom who likes GD, Twice in addition to Bangtan
I would sentry Twice's Vapp in addition to the members genuinely seem but about each other
That's genuinely why I similar Twice a lot
But on PANN, Nayeon is e'er defendant on bullying other members
in addition to discriminating them
I've seen in addition to thence many posts close this issue
But I experience similar Nayeon won't exercise that since she's the oldest, but acts similar the dongsaeng
I don't empathise why they e'er conduct keep a jab at Nayeon, but demo it's only close her

2. Baekhyun

Baekhyun peculiarly gets compared a lot to other idols
He gets compared on materials that doesn't fifty-fifty brand sense
EXO has a lot of fans in addition to thence they intend that he would last an tardily target maybe?
They but wouldn't instruct out him alone
I experience similar he's the 1 who gets most dissed inwards EXO

3. Bangtan

I wonder if it's because they're a trendy grouping correct now
But Bangtan is the grouping that gets most dragged
They dice lots of comparing posts
in addition to too people dissing their faces, which makes no sense
I but experience similar whenever they're doing well, it's an excuse to diss them back
They gained popularity overseas, but that's too when the abhor started
People write posts pretending to last armys but comparing them
They conduct keep the most fans cosplays

post response:
master copy post: here

ㅇㅇ |2017.12.11 13:31 신고하기
I experience similar Baekhyun's agency of talking is trashy that's why, every fourth dimension he has an accolade speech, it's e'er risky

ㅇㅇ |2017.12.11 13:27 신고하기
I experience similar it's e'er the same somebody hating on Nayeon, there's a abhor post service everyday in addition to the designing is the same

ㅇㅇ |2017.12.11 14:52 신고하기
You intend Nayeon doesn't dice dissed? Did yous non run into all the posts dragging her personality trying to brand a disceptation out of it in addition to mocking her on other sites lately? It's non exclusive on PANN, but at that spot are in addition to thence many sites out at that spot that diss her, her icon is totally ruined

ㅇㅇ |2017.12.11 14:38 신고하기
When Baekhyun appeared on Master Key, yous could run into that he didn't beak much in addition to he was pretty quiet. It's because of all those antis out at that spot who create rumors from fans that come upward from "unofficial fansigns" in addition to they endeavour to spread fake stories, or it would last posts dragging his confront in addition to proverb how he's done surgical physical care for compared to other groups. It's freaking severe.  This time, SM volition last suing the antis. And I can't empathise people who tell that muggles don't know Baekhyun when they're the same ones proverb that muggles don't similar the agency he talksㅋㅋㄱ 

ㅇㅇ |2017.12.11 15:58 신고하기
Look at people trying to diss Baekhyun in 1 lawsuit again inwards this post, OP-yah they won't await at your post service in addition to thence but delete it

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