[Teen Stories] What Was Your Life's Turning Point?

I don't intend I convey 1 yet, what close you lot guys?

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ㅇㅇ |2017.12.25 23:23 신고하기
Please, I promise that all the decisions I brand today volition larn a turning signal for my future

ㅇ |2017.12.26 01:39 신고하기
When my trouble solid won the lottery.. It happened inward Feb in addition to everything changed inward front end of my eyes. My allowance increased in addition to I could practically purchase everything I wanted (But I'm yet a inexpensive person..) I could consume everything I wanted in addition to got transferred into an expensive cram school... I experience similar coin is seriously the best

뀨 |2017.12.25 23:02 신고하기
Kids write downward a diary!! If you lot write a diary, you'll live able to introspect a lot in addition to I tin experience similar I'm becoming the individual I wanted to become. I pay to a greater extent than attending to my personality in addition to I tin ready it, I worked in addition to hence difficult in addition to I know for a fact that I changed a lot, in addition to if you lot read your diary inward the future, it'll live in addition to hence fun ㅋㅋㅋ Anyways I started my diary inward June this yr in addition to it was a turning point

ㅇㅇ |2017.12.25 22:51 신고하기
I'm tall in addition to hence a lot of people told me to larn a model, at root I didn't actually pay attending until my mom lastly sent me to an agency, there, I started doing do in addition to became a model now, that was my turning point

ㅇㅇ |2017.12.26 00:20 신고하기
Seems similar everyone has a turning signal hither except me... I'm jealous

ㅇㅇ |2017.12.26 00:15 신고하기
It feels similar I've larn to a greater extent than mature this year.

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