Mina Shares The Members' Resolve Subsequently Choa's Departure
Article: [Interview] After Choa's departure... Mina, "The members promised to non allow ourselves endure discouraged"
Source: No Cut News via Nate
1. [+757, -53] Choa did all the singing though, what create yous hateful "don't endure discouraged" ㅋㅋㅋ you're exclusively hanging on every bit a grouping at nowadays cheers to Seolhyun, no?
2. [+493, -41] You guys are on the brink of disbandment... but I jurist it's practiced to yell upwards positively
3. [+423, -46] Seolhyun's the sole breadwinner now... larn out that group, Seolhyun-ah!!
4. [+28, -3] The residual of yous are nugus without Choa as well as Seolhyun, no? How could yous non endure discouraged...
5. [+26, -2] Even if Choa left for a super damn selfish reason, she doesn't deserve whatever hate. She is responsible for AOA fifty-fifty beingness where they are today, along alongside tending from Seolhyun. The residual of them haven't done squat. Choa did all that she had to as well as to a greater extent than as well as if the grouping fails without her, as well as thus that's merely what they were meant for all along.
6. [+21, -2] Choa's belike merely eyeing the timing of her marriage ceremony now
7. [+16, -1] Every daughter grouping has ready a precedent... if 1 fellow member is also popular, that grouping is pretty much ready for disbandment. It's to a greater extent than profitable for an means to grapple 1 fellow member than all the members. Once Seolhyun gains to a greater extent than basis inward the acting area, AOA volition endure right away disbanded.
8. [+7, -3] Aren't the residual of them nearly every bit non-presence every bit Qri inward T-ara?
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